Interact with Comarch During After Market Business Platform
Online, 19 Oct 2020 - 23 Oct 2020

As a partner of After Market Business Platform we cordially invite you to join this virtual summit taking place from 19th-23rd October 2020. This year’s edition will be a fully virtual summit spanning five days, with plenty of networking opportunities and charismatic keynote speakers.
Our field service management specialists will be more than happy to discuss with you all the challenges of field work today, and the possibilities to overcome them.
After the virtual summit we invite you to continue the discussion on the latest technological solutions by joining a webinar co-organized by Comarch and Copperberg. Marcin Białowąs, Business Development Manager at Comarch will present “How FSM Deals with Predictive Maintenance” on 29th October at 14:00 CET.
What will you learn?
- How flexible software solutions provide better results
- Why the ability to customize is vital for modern businesses
- How to obtain value more rapidly
Register for the webinar HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact