Improving Customer Experience is a long journey — but it’s worth every mile
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- 5 min reading

According to the latest Deloitte Digital report "Customer Service Excellence 2022" achieving personalized service is more important to customer satisfaction than the time needed to solve the problem. Rather than to waste time on a quick but ineffective way of getting things done, it’s better to focus on three keywords: reliability, security, and trust in the solutions we offer.
Put customer self-service first
One of the ways companies deal with this problem is increased spending on expanding customer self-service capabilities. This mainly applies to customer portals, mobile applications as well as conversational opportunities (e.g. chatbots or voice bots). Deloitte Digital research also shows that the use of self-service has a positive effect on the level of customer experience.
Time's lost battle
Time loses with quality in the competition for the greatest positive impact on customer satisfaction due to the growing clients' need for support through personalized service. Deloitte Digital shares this discovery and encourages a change of perspective when selecting key KPIs, because the one the most frequently used – time – may work against personalization.
Remedy for the pain of service personalization
The most effective remedy concerning personalization of service are independent and multi-skilled Customer Service Centers. They are empowered and operationally excellent. Tasks are allocated automatically, which gives flexibility and better adaptation to customer needs. Such service organization responds better to customer demands than a fragmentation by channel, process, or customer type.
Scandinavians manage it better
Deloitte Digital lists many more benefits of such Customer Service Centers, but it is more important that their positive impact on the level of customer satisfaction is reflected in reality. It is thanks to the use of multitasking teams in independent units that the Scandinavians managed to distinguish themselves among other regions surveyed by Deloitte Digital, thus placing ahead of Central Europe and Western Europe. This success was also due to the high use of self-service and increased investment in reducing workload through automation. As you can see, the process has come full circle, closing the conclusions reached as a result of the study with a coherence bracket, arousing the need for immediate implementation.
How to do it efficiently and wisely?
Our solution, Comarch Digital Insurance, is a ready, reliable and safe software that is already being used by many clients such as AXA or UNIQA. Its modular design allows you to choose those modules that will most effectively strive to achieve perfect customer experience. Its implementation may take some time, but in return you get a complete solution, with an amazingly user-friendly interface, and the simplicity of dealing with matters is possible thanks to, among other things, omnichannel, automation, or a self-service module.
In March 2022, we appeared in an open interview at the Insurance Innovators Nordics 2022 conference. The customer was at the center of our discussion. We were asked questions about improvements in communication with customers; ways of delivering value to customers, especially during the technological revolution; looking for ways to increase customer experience (including zero UI); and many more. We were able to come up with the ready-made tips. If you’re interested, click in the link and get the full read here.
Product Marketing Manager – Comarch Digital Insurance