Moving Insurance Business to a Dedicated Mobile Application
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- 5 min reading

We already know how much a well-thought-out and effective insurance platform can change the business. It can increase sales, reduce costs, improve customer experience, and productivity of distributors (agents, brokers, sales managers, etc.). Here we will discuss the last bit in more detail. We will look at how the distributors organize their work, what their preferences are, what tools they use. Breaking down the problem in this way, it will be easier to understand what roles and impact insurers have on productivity of the sales network.
In the apps world
Outlining the background of the problem, we should start with the characteristics of the megatrend, which is of great importance here, no doubt. It is the growing number of web, smartphone, and mobile applications users. According to the World Advertising Research Center, by 2025, 72% of all online users will only use smartphones to access the web. Mobile usage outperforms the desktop usage in terms of traffic and number of orders, and when looking more closely at the data on mobile usage, apps prevail. By 2030, all of the Generation Z will become professionally active, and they tend use the apps pretty much constantly on daily basis. Already, almost 40% of this group use TikTok and Instagram as search engines, instead of Google. It is therefore not surprising that the investments in the development and promotion of the application are growing.
Favorite Salespeople’s Apps
Applications have also settled in for good in the everyday life of salespeople. Few even realize just how many mobile applications salespeople use in their work. One to organize daily duties, the other to take care of productivity, the third to optimize the time spent on specific tasks, the fourth to remind them of the meeting, the fifth to store notes, the sixth to communicate with the entire team, the seventh to allow them to delegate tasks, etc. As we can see, agents are very good at organizing their time. But is it fair to salespeople that they are forced to look for work tools outside the systems of insurers and to customers whose data "go" outside to these applications? Can't we just equip salespeople with an insurance platform that would support their work also in terms of its organization? Sure we can. There are already platforms for insurers on the market that meet this goal. In other words, the salespeople may have a platform at their disposal that, in addition to traditional sales and insurance services, enables the management of productivity, reminders, notes, tasks, and communication. All in one system, with a single login.
System and application
You may think that it’s settled then, and the topic of handheld applications can be closed so we can move to only full-scale insurance systems in our considerations. But can we, really? Let’s consider the case of such a mobile app being a simple system extension. Most of the applications that we use today provide only a handful of selected functionalities, unlike the full version of the sales platform, so they can be more lightweight. Interestingly, however, this doesn’t hinder the system’s capabilities, because these functionalities are not isolated, the data exchange between the application and the platform can be easily taking place in real time. The list of available functionalities is neither rigid nor artificially limited – the insurer can develop functionalities and their number so that the application becomes a multifunctional work tool that fulfills its task, improving productivity. The app can be a really effective work management center.
Ready solution
An example of such application is Comarch Distributor Mobile App, which is an extension of Comarch Digital Insurance. It is an additional channel of access to selected functionalities and it’s fully integrated with the web application. Distributor Mobile App is dedicated to distributors such as agents, brokers, and sales managers, to perform their everyday activities. Through it, the salesperson can quickly check the latest updated sales, easily plan contacts with customers, record their results, and delegate specific tasks to other users, even on the go. An intuitive transition to the 360-degree customer view enables the presentation of the most desired information, like sales or customer contact details, prepared notes, drafted variants, and performed actions. The application allows for express contact with customers by clicking on the contact details. The salesperson has the ability to add new customers, appointments, notes, tasks, etc. This app always comes in handy!
A new must-have app
To sum up, applications have dominated both our private and professional time. It is hard to imagine that this would not affect the way distributors work. However, unlike before, all work can be done smoothly and efficiently within one well-thought-out system with a dedicated management app, without the need to have multiple general purpose applications, at the same time maintaining the highest standards of customer data security. This proactive approach ensures professional and fast service by gathering all the required information in one place. This is our recipe for building positive experiences and loyalty from customers and salespeople.
At Comarch, we have a ready-made solution: Comarch Digital Insurance + Distributor Mobile App. When you are ready to talk, please contact us!
Comarch Distributor Mobile App
Product Marketing Manager at Comarch