Comarch Cloud Factoring

Comarch Banking Software Clients

Our solution fits to:

 * Factoring Companies      * Financial Institutions      * Banks      * Fintechs

What is Comarch Cloud Factoring

Comarch Cloud Factoring is a platform for debtors and creditors using microservices and it is available in the cloud. The modularity of the system allows you to easily adjust the solution to customer needs. Thanks to supporting end-to-end processes, the cost and workload of a factoring company are kept to a minimum.

Factor customers can manage the entire life cycle of an invoice without unnecessary paperwork. Transparent and simplified reports make the handling of the factoring agreement simple and intuitive.

Comarch Cloud Factoring Comarch cloud factoring

Expand your business without having to think about system capacity and performance. Comarch Cloud Factoring automatically adjusts system resources to keep pace with your factoring business.

Key benefits

Fast implementation

Owing to its modular structure, the system can be implemented in just a few weeks. Reap the benefits of quick and easy system implementation and then add new features to move swiftly towards your next goals.

Continuous improvement

As your business grows, we can easily add new add-ons to each module, which will further improve the work of your partners. All system updates and new versions are included.

Excellent UX

Thanks to the cooperation of Comarch UX LAB and end customers, the Comarch Cloud Factoring system is transparent, intuitive and adapted to user needs.

Specialists' support

When considering a solution the most tailored to your needs, we provide support from experienced factoring specialists in areas such as sales, accounting, risk, fraud prevention, and more.

IT know-how decoded

What you get


In this cost model, you pay for the business you run. Thanks to this approach, the cooperation with our partners is even more transparent.

Pay as you grow


Carry out the registration process and confirm your customer, contractor, or business partner identity through an online on-boarding model.

online onboarding


  • Advanced, full-service factoring
  • Maturity factoring
  • Data factoring
  • Reverse factoring, supplier finance
  • Invoice discounting/in-house factoring
  • Receivables management without financing (D/A)
  • Recourse/non – recourse;  partly/multi-partly/fully-financed;  disclosed/undisclosed; domestic/international factoring.

support for popular factoring products


Thanks to the continuous improvement of algorithms responsible for payment settlement, the system is able to settle up to 85% of payments automatically. With these improvements, the participation of the operation team is minimized – which means more time for customer service.

More accurate payment matching
Comarch Factoring Platform

In need of solution that is fully customizable?

How it works

Submitting an invoice for purchase has never been this easy. Your customer is only a few steps away from receiving the funds to their account. Moreover, the redesigned model for submitting packages of invoices makes handling even several thousand invoices a breeze.

Comarch factoring cloud

Comarch Cloud Factoring back-end features


specialized modules with their own logic


portability and fault isolation

Cloud native

elastic scaling capabilities


speed, efficiency, and no unnecessary costs


limit communication and access permissions

Continuous deployment

always ready for new business challenges

Factoring market development and pace of digitalization in the CEE region

How our factoring system can help you and your clients run a business effectively?

What potential does the factoring industry bring, and how can an efficient system make you safe? Watch our video to learn more!

Comarch Factoring customer stories
Front Office 2.0 for BNP Paribas Faktoring

Client's goal was to create a friendly user desktop, which would be suitable for easy use and gaining knowledge about the transactions carried out. The key objective of the project was to provide end users with a modern application – Front Office 2.0, designed using the latest UI/UX trends, addressing all the needs of modern entrepreneurs using factoring products.

BNP Factoring logo

Our partnership


Want to learn more?

Tell us about your business needs. We will find the perfect solution.