SME lending software

Comarch Loan Origination

Our solution can be used by:

Banks and other financial institutions

Faster and easier SME lending

Comarch Loan Origination for SMEs enables more efficient control of credit risk and allows for cutting time needed to grant a loan. The system automates the work of client advisors managing the credit-granting process. It allows banks to optimize SME lending end-to-end: loan simulation, application verification, analysis of customer financial situation, decision making and fund disbursement.

Faster and easier sme lending

Accelerate your SME lending processes by over 30% and grant simple loans within one hour

accelerate sme lending processes

Grow your business with a future-proof SME lending solution that can be easily expanded with new loan products or customer segments


Quick loans sought after by startups and SMEs

Formalities reduced to minimum

Diminished operational risk

Gains for your bank

Comprehensive SME lending solution allowing you to win customers which might otherwise turn to fintechs

Mitigated credit risk due to automated scoring and risk rating mechanisms plus customer check with both internal and external databases

Increased revenue per loan thanks to process automation

Fraud detection support by verifying if multiple processes have been initiated for the same customer

Single lending channel combining applications from other channels and systems; a comprehensive source of knowledge about your lending business

GDPR, PSD2 and AML IV compliance plus business administration tools that allow you to quickly adapt to legal requirements

End-to-end automation of the loan origination process for different kind of products including commercial finance loans, working capital loans, fixed assets loans, overdrafts, revolving loans, and more

CLO modules 

Gains for your employees

User-friendly SME lending tool that minimizes burdensome and repetitive tasks in processing loan applications; automated credit decisions and risk acceptance included

Facilitated KYC process with data collection from both internal and external databases to perform customer evaluation

Company relations module letting you keep track of your customers’ business relations and associates including Ultimate Beneficial Owners

Access to multiple financial ratios related to client’s situation, presented in a graphic form

One tool to process financial data of a company regardless of its bookkeeping form, with an option to define dedicated financial data forms for startups or agribusiness

Full view of company financial situation with a review of its existing liabilities, both internal and external, with an option to access data from other banks (in line with PSD2)

Simplified covenant management with proper covenants added automatically to loan documents based on agreement type, credit amount, or risk rate

Data quality control; the system checks typed-in data and guides the relationship manager through the whole loan-granting process

Single data entry principle; credit advisors free from having to insert the same data over again

multi product agreement

Multi-product agreement allows the customer to try new products without going through the credit application process again

Comarch Loan Origination for SMEs

Read more about Comarch Loan Origination for SMEs

Gains for your SME customers

Formalities reduced to minimum when applying for a loan: no heaps of documents needed, no lengthy decision processes – plus lending limits calculated based on customer cash flow

Quick fund disbursement, even on the same day, with pre-generated document checklist and document signage via online banking

Transparent limit calculated once for different credit products that can be quickly launched depending on business needs

Different channels for credit application and advisory, online, mobile or – in person, be it in the bank or wherever your customer is

Credit application status notifications that keep customer well informed

Guidance when using loan simulators with an option to play with available loan variants in order to find out the best one

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