Claims Management Software

Claims transformation

Intuitive interface and solution flexibility reduce the time and costs of the insurance claim handling process.

Comarch Insurance Claims is an innovative and comprehensive claims management software for life and health insurance companies. The system supports claim handling processes end-to-end, from registration and calculation to decision-making and benefit payment, accelerating the everyday work of the claim manager. This claims management system meets the most important requirements of insurance companies operating in the rapidly growing market.

Software designed for insurance companies

insurance claims system

Key business advantages

Increase of competitive advantages

Smooth information flow, automated processes, and optimization of monitoring of the claim processes

Reduction of costs of claim handling

Shorter time needed for claim handling, optimized operating costs

Automation of insurance claims management processes

Automated internal and external payments, along with calculation of benefits, automated verifications and calculations

Decrease claim ratio thanks to more effective control of decision and payment process

Validation rules supporting effective decision-making and limit control

Quality of customer service improvement

Boost the quality of customer services through quick decisions and payments

Greater flexibility in relation to changes in regulations and for audit purposes

Better process monitoring, data integrity and a single source of truth

Common features

Standard functionalities available in all Comarch insurance systems to support insurers’ companies:

  • 360-degree client view with up-to-date information and personal data
  • Search to easily find any object, client or claim
  • Task management for better work organization
  • Dashboard with KPIs, productivity reports

Claim management

The Comarch Insurance Claims system covers the whole claim process, from registration through verification and decision-making to payment and document dispatching.

Specific claim stages and functions are:

  • first notice of loss (FNOL)
  • full claim registration
  • claim cases generation based on covers on policy or manual registration
  • verification of, among the other: insurance covers, claims data and documents
  • benefit calculation
  • decision-making (manual or automatic)
  • beneficiaries management and payment recipient registration

claim management

Claims payments

All liabilities arising from claims settlement are repaid seamlessly.

The Comarch Insurance Claims system provides:

  • benefit payment generation
  • annuities’ payment scheme or capital
  • two-step payment acceptance
  • integration with accounting system
  • integration with home-banking system

claims payments

Claim documentation

The claims software handles document generation, triggered automatically or manually by the user on-demand, and supports other functions connected with documents:

  • registration of incoming and outgoing documents
  • checklist management
  • generation and printing of letters to customers:
      • referrals for medical examination
      • claim decisions
      • reminders
claim documentation

Additional functions

More advanced functions provide:

  • claim reopening and complaints processing
  • dashboard with KPIs
  • analytical and operating reports
  • claim technical provision (reserves)

additional functions

Insurance claims management software

Comarch Insurance Claims supports effective claims handling. One of the main goals of our claims management software is to automate the full claim process, reducing its time and costs. The claims system supports insurance companies in gaining a competitive edge thanks to quick benefit payments, professional customer service, and easy configurations of claim processes.

Features of the Comarch Insurance Claims system are:

  • comprehensive claim handling software supporting all types of life, pension, and health insurance products, all communication channels
  • service-oriented architecture (SOA) of our claims management software facilitating integration with external systems
  • multilingualism and multicurrency in the claims management software
  • user-friendly graphical interface adjusted to the type of claims allowing efficient customer claim service and fast payment of benefits

Create one ecosystem for claims with front-office software!

Integrate Comarch Insurance Claims with Comarch Digital Insurance – an omnichannel system for front-office departments. Create one process for distributors, customers and claims managers end-to-end.

With Comarch claims processing systems, you will create a single environment in which claims are reported by distributors, call center operators, or directly by end customers and then automatically sent to the system for claims handling. Allow all process participants to go through it smoothly and check the current process status. Additional documents required during the process will be delivered faster and easier.

Read more about Comarch Digital Insurance and its benefits:


Comarch Digital Insurance

Suggested other product:

Comarch FSM – software and mobile app for claims adjustment

Automate claims assignment, routing, gathering documentation, reporting and auditing with advanced features.

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