Comarch Medcall – new system for videoconsultation and teleconsultation

In the era of the pandemic, the development of telemedicine services has accelerated, and many new solutions making it easier for patients to contact a doctor have appeared. Patients have already become familiar with the e-prescriptions and they like new technologies, which are used by them more often and more willingly. You can also connect to a medical facility in a simple and safe way using videoconsultation and teleconsultation tools, such as Comarch MedCall.
Telemedicine tools in health care service
Telemedicine is not only a great help for patients, but also an opportunity to improve the condition of health care service. The advantages of modern teleinformation systems include cost reduction, time savings, greater treatment efficiency and convenience, which are enjoyed by more and more people. Comarch MedCall is an active participant of this trend, offering the possibility of remote provision of medical advice, which means that there is no need to visit a doctor and wait in line. This solution will work regardless of the place – you can use it during holidays or when you are far from the medical facility. All you need is a smartphone and installed software.
How does the Comarch MedCall application work?
The system for videoconsultation and teleconsultation consists of two elements:
- website, where medical facility or doctor establish their account,
- free mobile application for the patient that allows you to have consultation with a doctor in the form of an audio/video call.
The possibility of remote consultation is initiated by a doctor or a medical facility that opens an account on the website. The patient registers at the facility in a traditional way: in person, by phone or through another person. Then the patient waits for a text message from a doctor who sends an invitation to download the application. The user downloads and installs the Comarch MedCall software on their phone and activates it by entering their telephone number. At the agreed time, the doctor connects with the patient and a videoconsultation takes place.
This solution can allows be combined with another product of our company, namely the Comarch HealthNote, a mobile health book that allows you to save medical records, measurements and observations related to your health condition. Thanks to the integration of these two applications, sending the necessary data or other important documents at the doctor's request, confirming the examination or stay in the hospital, is simple and quick.
Advantages of the Comarch MedCall application
Our system for videoconsultation and teleconsultation brings a number of benefits to both the patient and the medical facility. These are primarily greater availability of specialists and improved patient care, which result in the effectiveness of treatment and the image of the medical facility being improved.
Other advantages of Comarch MedCall include:
- possibility of using primary health care, specialised ambulatory care, as well as remote psychiatric and psychological care,
- reduction of waiting time for an appointment with a specialist,
- simple and safe operation,
- possibility of seeing the patient during videoconsultation, as well as issuing an electronic prescription, referral or sick leave,
- secure connection (contrary to public messengers),
- starting to use the system involves only creating an account for a medical facility or doctor on the Comarch MedCall website,
- starting the scheduled videoconsultation is possible by logging into the account by a doctor and entering the patient's telephone number. The patient answers the call in the mobile application,
- no requirements for integration with the institution's internal system, and no need to adapt organisational processes
We invite you to test the solution!