Comarch CardioVest as a Tool for Detecting Cardiac Arrhythmias in Women - Cross-border Project POL-GER Rytmia

Project participants
The research project - POL-GER Rytmia - is a joint, Polish-German undertaking, the participants of which are the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 2 PUM in Szczecin, the University of Greifswald, and Comarch Healthcare, which is a supplier of medical devices used in research. One of the reasons for launching the project is the desire to strengthen cooperation in the field of innovative, early diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in women.
Equal opportunities for women
Until now, studies in this area have mainly covered men, but women are more likely to die from cardiovascular diseases. All the works will help to even out their chances in the diagnosis and treatment process. The research will be conducted on a group of 1,000 women from Poland and Germany.
Comarch CardioVest
The Comarch CardioVest is a comprehensive solution which will be used for the tests. It is used for the implementation of preventive and diagnostic tests and supervision of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to monitor the heart rate remotely using textile electrodes that do not need to be glued to the patient’s skin. This is especially important taking into account the comfort of patients.
How does the CardioVest vest work?
Comarch CardioVest is a solution that allows safe, reliable and long-term recording of the ECG signal. It consists of two independent recorders, worn interchangeably. The patient changes the recorders every 24 hours. The first one is attached to a vest, the second, at the same time, sends the record of the completed test section to the server, where interpretation of the results begins. They are analyzed by artificial intelligence algorithms and then sent to the Remote Medical Care Center. There, medical personnel verify the algorithmic analysis and prepare the final study report.
Reduction of diagnostics time
The support of medical personnel by algorithms enables a significant reduction in the analysis time of a long-term ECG record, resulting in an early response to any disorders that may be detected. Its other applications include prophylaxis, diagnostics and supervision of patients with cardiological diseases. If an arrhythmia is detected in women during the study, the early initiation of treatment will help prevent cardiovascular complications. All this will translate into an improvement in the quality of life of women struggling with arrhythmias.