IT Talks with Comarch - series of podcast

Business, IT innovations and careers in the IT industry – these are just a few of the topics covered by the podcast authors as part of the "IT talks with Comarch" series of broadcasts. All episodes are now available on Comarch Podcasts webiste and now you can also listen to them on the platforms: Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.
Five podcasts are broadcast on the channel "IT talks with Comarch" and each of them is devoted to different issues. Students can learn more about ERP systems, the use of IT tools in medicine and solutions for managing loyalty programs and marketing activities. Technical knowledge and experiences are also shared by Comarch employees, who reveal what their daily work at various positions in the company looks like.
The podcast is another channel for the company to communicate with potential and current customers as well as job candidates at Comarch. "All you need to listen to podcasts is a computer, tablet or smartphone that plays audio files in mp3 format. Plus, you don't have to give up doing other things at the same time, so podcasts can be listened to on the way to work, while walking, working out at the gym, or tidying up the house or preparing meals. This is a very simple way of conveying interesting content to the listeners", says Marek Wiśniewski, PR Director at Comarch.
The individual episodes are a tutorial on a specific issue from the borderline of innovation, IT and business or are an interview with a Comarch customer or employee. You can find out about careers in IT and working at Comarch by listening to "Comarch Careers” or "Take IT". In the program "Customer Experience & Technology" you can hear about topics indirectly related to IT – such as marketing or HR. Whereas "#ERPinpractice" are interviews with representatives of companies that use Comarch ERP systems. Interviews discuss the benefits and improvements that have been made in specific areas of the business. The framework of "IT talks with Comarch" is completed by the podcast "e-Health talks". The thematic area of the program is the future of healthcare delivery using the latest digital technologies.
"The business and geographical diversification of Comarch's business activities is highly developed. This provides an almost unlimited source of topics for valuable material. We are already recording episodes in Polish, English and German, and are preparing podcasts in Italian. I hope that the recordings will be attractive to everyone who participates in the IT reality, regardless of whether they are programmers, testers or managers", adds Marek Wiśniewski of Comarch.