Comarch has launched its new corporate portal - This is now the primary profile of the Comarch Capital Group that is available in English (the portals have been combined).

scroll the table

These changes are the result of Comarch’s adoption of new business strategies for foreign markets. This manifests itself primarily in an innovative approach to presenting the company's offer. The existing breakdown of products according to business unit has now been replaced by an industry classification. Comarch’s own analysis shows that this is a far more convenient system for foreign customers.

Reconstruction of the portal has been accomplished by SoInteractive (creative agency). The new portal is more transparent and the revised structure provides for easy navigation and access to a network full of interesting content. Additional sub-pages are designed to present a comprehensive presentation. On the main page, users can find video access to Comarch TV, which offers a number of market surveys, interviews, reports and business unit presentations. As a result, users can gain quick and enjoyable access to view the most interesting information about Comarch.