Netia Chooses Comarch OSS for Network Management
Netia, one of the largest telecom operators in Poland, chose Comarch Fault Management – a central network monitoring system. The implemented system allows telecoms companies to detect network issues and service incidents promptly, enabling an immediate response. Additionally, the system significantly reduces the risk of network failures, improving the quality of service for customers. The contract between Netia and Comarch was signed in June 2017.
Purchasing of the Comarch Fault Management system is a part of a network management insourcing project. Netia is currently using an analogical solution from another leading supplier. The decision to go back to self-management of the network infrastructure by Netia is aimed at improving operations effectiveness and agility, which is expected to translate into higher customer satisfaction.
“Today’s customers are very demanding and expect to be provided with the highest quality of service. This was an important factor in our decision to optimize and independently run our network operations center. Self-managing the network also requires having our own high-end Fault Management solution. The prototype of the system (PoC – proof of concept) demonstrated by Comarch was better and more convincing than the competitors’ solutions. The company also met all requirements for the live demonstration. Combined with our trust in Comarch, resulting from successful BSS and OSS project execution in the past, these factors have determined our decision to collaborate with the company on a network optimization project”, says Marcin Palkowski, Director of Network Infrastructure Maintenance at Netia.
“The technological environment of telecommunications service providers is changing dynamically. This is related to the necessity to constantly adapt the products and services they offer to increasingly higher market standards. As a company with many years of experience in the telecommunications industry, Comarch meets these expectations by continually improving the quality of its software offering, and by creating new support systems, including those for network management. One such product is the Fault Management system, which we had the pleasure of presenting to Netia. Together with Netia employees, we have specified solution requirements and introduced a well-thought out concept for network management optimization. Our system got a very positive reaction from the customer, and we are pleased by the trust placed in us and the opportunity to implement modern Fault Management software”, says Paweł Workiewicz, Integrated Assurance and Analytics Business Unit Director at Comarch.
Thanks to Comarch’s long experience in the integration of fault management solutions, the implementation will be completed within the next six months. The signed contract is not the first project implemented by Comarch for Netia. The operator is already using Comarch Field Service Management (for field workforce management) and Comarch InterPartner Billing (for inter-operator settlements).
About Netia
Netia delivers comprehensive, user-friendly online solutions and multimedia entertainment. Its services are aimed at private, business and institutional customers.
The Netia Group is one of the biggest Polish telecom operators. It employs almost 2 thousand people in 70 locations across Poland. The Capital Group consists of i.a. Netia S.A., Internetia Sp. z o.o., Telefonia Dialog Sp. z o.o., Petrotel Sp. z o.o., TK Telekom Sp. z o.o.
Netia (as R.P. Telekom) was established at the beginning of the 90’s by a group of Polish entrepreneurs - enthusiasts, supported by American investors from the telecommunications market. Initially, Netia offered voice services, gradually expanding its offering with i.a. data transmission, broadband Internet access or paid digital TV.
Since 2000 Netia’s shares have been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Most shares are owned by Polish investors (Mint of Poland, FIP 11 FIZ Fund, Nationale-Nederlanden Open-End Pension Fund, Aviva Open-End Pension Fund, “Golden Autumn” Open-End Pension Fund).
Netia’s fiber optic core network is approx. 20 thousand kilometers long and connects metropolitan networks of the Group in over 50 cities, while also providing a dozen of independent international connections. The number of network elements (i.a. buildings, cabinets, masts) that belong to the Netia Group exceeds 30 thousands, with over 81 network nodes.
It is estimated that Netia reaches over 70 percent of class A and B office buildings in Poland and over 2,5 million premises are within the reach of the company’s own access network.
Every third of Netia’s proprietary links already allows to transmit data at a speed exceeding 100 Mb/s. Within the “XXI Century Network” project, by 2020 Netia’s network will have been completely modernized to meet the fiber optic standard.