AADE Updates myDATA Platform with Version 1.0.10: Key Changes and New Features

The Greek Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) has announced the release of version 1.0.10 for the myDATA platform, now available in the myDATA Test Environment. This update brings several important changes aimed at improving the functionality and flexibility of the platform for businesses in Greece.

Updates in the 1.0.10 Version

1. Delivery Note Transmission

One of the significant additions in this version is the ability to transmit delivery notes (Document type 9.3) through e-invoicing service providers and Enterprise Resource Planning systems. This update simplifies the process of submitting e-transport and delivery notes, streamlining operations for businesses involved in logistics and goods delivery.

2. Fuel Invoices Submission

Businesses dealing in liquid fuel sales are allowed to submit fuel invoices directly via ERP software. This update ensures a smoother process for fuel distributors to comply with e-invoicing regulations, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in fuel invoice submissions.

3. Wholesale Control Removal

The tax administration no longer requires recipients to be active businesses for wholesale transactions. This change is expected to ease the administrative burden for businesses engaged in wholesale trade, making it easier for transactions to be processed.

4. New Method for Retrieving E3 Records

A new option for retrieving E3 records has been introduced, allowing users to retrieve data related to the Greek E3 tax form. This update simplifies the retrieval process and ensures that businesses can manage their tax reporting more effectively.

For further details on the update, users can visit the official AADE website's myDATA section at AADE myDATA Test Environment.

This version of the myDATA platform continues to enhance Greece's digital tax administration, providing businesses with more tools for compliance and efficiency.

There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in Greece learn more about the new and upcoming regulations.

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