Confirmed: Mandatory KSeF in Poland from February 1, 2026

On June 5, 2024, Polish President Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the previously applicable regulations specifying the date of entry into force of the obligation to use KSeF. The signed amendment to the Act on Value Added Tax has also been published, and its entry into force is planned for July 1, 2024.

Based on the adopted changes, the initial date for the obligation to use the National e-Invoice System has been postponed to February 1, 2026. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance announced that proposals for the phased introduction of mandatory KSeF will appear in the next draft, which will be disclosed by the end of 2024.

There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in Polandvisit our dedicated website and stay up to date with the new and upcoming regulations.

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