Upcoming Legal Changes in Romania

The Romanian government plans to introduce mandatory B2B electronic invoicing as of January 1, 2024.
To implement this plan, the Romanian government submitted an appropriate application to the EU Commission in 2022, which has been processed recently. The approval process began with the posting of the European Commission's proposal authorizing Romania to introduce a special measure derogating from Articles 218 and 232 of the EU VAT Directive to allow Romania to introduce mandatory electronic invoicing for transactions between taxable persons established in Romania.
E-invoicing in Romania
The rules of operation of the Romanian e-invoicing system are already known. In the first stage, invoices are exchanged with the government portal (RO e-Factura) in the CIUS_RO format (UBL 2.1 or CIN). At this stage, invoices are validated against the requirements regarding the content of invoices and their format. After proper validation, the e-invoice can be used by the recipient. This classic pre-clearance model was partially introduced in Romania in July 2022 for selected transactions and will probably be extended to the remaining taxpayers in 2024.
The main objectives of implementing the mandatory electronic invoicing system are to combat tax fraud and evasion and make collection more efficient, particularly in VAT, as announced by the Romanian Government.
There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in Romania – learn more about the new and upcoming regulations.