Romanian Government Extends RO e-Transport Compliance Deadline for Authorized Economic Operators

Romanian companies holding Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification have been granted a reprieve regarding compliance with the RO e-Transport system for international road transport. A recently issued government directive postpones the enforcement of penalties for non-compliance until January 1, 2025.

This extension applies solely to penalties associated with the RO e-Transport system. The obligation to register shipments within the platform remains in effect for AEO companies. The grace period offers valuable time for these businesses to ensure their internal systems and processes are fully integrated with the new e-Transport requirements.

The decision is part of a broader package of amendments outlined in Emergency Ordinances no. 69/2024 and 70/2024, which aim to modernize Romania's digital tax infrastructure. These amendments also encompass the introduction of a pre-filled RO e-VAT return system and adjustments to existing RO e-Invoice regulations.

To sum up, AEO companies can continue conducting international road transport operations without facing penalties for non-compliance with the RO e-Transport system until the beginning of 2025. However, it is crucial to note that registration with the system remains mandatory. This temporary reprieve offers AEOs a strategic window to achieve a smooth transition to the new regulations by the upcoming deadline.

There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in Romanialearn more about the new and upcoming regulations.

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