Change your document exchange strategy with Comarch EDI

Becoming a paperless company is more essential than ever before. The benefits of going digital are obvious: there is no need to store paper, documents can be located quickly and easily, at any time from anywhere, savings can be made on office materials and postage, and productivity increases as employees don’t have to spend time going through paperwork.

As today’s companies are searching for ways to reduce costs, digitizting and facilitating faster information flow through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) seems to be the best solution. EDI allows companies across most industries to send and receive all business documents, including sales orders, shipment payments, and return documents, without using paper, mail, phone or fax.

Comarch EDI connects companies with their trading and logistic partners worldwide and is compliant with the latest global standards, so it is easy to connect to any business partner.  Thanks to the implementation of blockchain, traceability, and machine learning technology, Comarch EDI ensures that your supply chain processes will always be perfectly optimized.

Comarch EDI

Logistics: a prime reason to go paperless with EDI

Let’s have a closer look at transport and logistics, an industry in which exchanging documents and having access to reliable data is necessary on a daily basis. Paperless deliveries are already implemented by couriers in shipments to customers. Knowing this, is it possible to organize paperless logistics in B2B? EDI makes logistics faster, easier, and more reliable. Using EDI in the delivery process allows you to speed up the unloading time on-site. It also facilitates the work of dispatchers and accelerates the delivery process itself.  EDI is used not only for deliveries, but also for transport planning and transport execution, and warehousing. Logistics operators indicate a 99.4 per cent increase in the accuracy of related documentation using EDI compared to traditional methods.

Comarch offers a mobile app for proof of delivery (POD) thereby enabling rapid receipt of information about delivery status. Mobile POD creates value by reducing errors and increasing efficiency. As a result, transport and operation teams can improve performance, boost productivity, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience.

Comarch EDI features that will help you manage your documents electronically

Tracking and reporting tools

Acting and quickly responding can help secure your procurements and payments. You need tools to track your data flow and notify you about errors. Comarch EDI Tracking is an online tool that is available from anywhere, with the highest security standards, and allows you to track all the documents sent and received by your company with a full preview of the current status of processed documents. You can see how fast it works as document exchange is presented in real-time. Use this tool to your advantage building your competitive strategy and completing business transactions more rapidly with less effort and without errors.

You can set up notifications about incoming orders or documents that have failed or have been rejected by the receiver and need to be corrected and sent again.

EDI Platform

Data accuracy

With today’s challenges, it is even more important to make sure that exchanged documents are correct. It is crucial to limit the number of mistakes that arise from entering and processing data manually. Comarch EDI defines multilevel validation rules to ensure only correct documents are sent and data exchanged between business partners match.

Supporting services

Switching to EDI does involve an investment, both from a financial perspective and a time perspective, so our experienced and professional team will support you during integration and help you create connections with trading partners. You do not need to spend time analyzing each partner’s documentation or looking for information on how to proceed with integration. We will do that for you so you can focus on continuing and improving your business.

Comarch EDI is designed to improve the efficiency of your business. We support over 130 000 customers from 50 different countries.  Become part of a community. EDI Platform allows you to send and receive dozens of electronic message types without worry that a trading or logistics partner uses a different format, as Comarch EDI does all the mappings for you. And, with more than 650 million documents processed each year, you can be sure that we have the necessary expertise. Comarch EDI can be integrated easily with your internal ERP and WMS system, or it can be used as a web-EDI solution with no integration needed. This makes it accessible to every company wishing to connect with their trading partners. Web-EDI does not require any software, so you can start using it right now. It is the perfect solution that will help you maintain your business continuity.

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