Comarch Becomes an Acknowledged Peppol Service Provider in Japan

Comarch has been a memeber of the Peppol Organization since 2018. Despite the still short period of certification by the Japan Peppol Authority, the number of authorized Peppol Service Providers is constantly growing. On November 24, 2022, Comarch joined this small group and became an acknowledged Peppol Service Provider in Japan.
By becoming a Certified Peppol Service Provider in Japan, Comarch gives its international and local customers the opportunity to offer electronic document exchange services in Japan.
When the Japaneese prime minister announced digitization in Japan, one of his top priorities was estabilishing the Digital Agency, that was set up at incredible speed and launched in September 2021. It contributes to reforming the culture of administration in a user-driven manner through digitization.
Although there is no mandatory e-invoicing in Japan, companies can already appreciate the benefits of electronic document exchange. E-invoicing will soon be of special importance, because, from 1 October 2023, a system of qualified invoices will be introduced in Japan, and from 1 January 2024, the law on the storage of electronic records will enter into force. If, after the introduction of these rules, entrepreneurs continue to use paper invoices, their administrative burdens and costs of doing business may increase.
Japanese companies expect PEPPOL-based e-invoicing to be one option to reduce costs and administrative burdens.
There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in Japan – learn more about the new and upcoming regulations.