B2B payments, Supply Chain Finance & E-Invoicing market GuideThe "B2B Payments, Supply Chain Finance & E-invoicing Market Guide" is the next edition of The Paypers report – the leading international portal focused on transactional and payment services, including e-invoicing. The Comarch EDI platform is present in the report the third time.

Report published by The Paypers explores the evolving world of transaction banking, B2B payments, supply chain finance & e-invoicing market

The report includes information about the trends in supply chain finance, the supply chain growth strategies in the emerging markets, the approaches of logistics service providers to finance the supply chain, the benefits of digital solutions for (currently underserved) corporate customers. Moreover, the report describes the mainstream of B2B payments, the strategic approaches to B2B e-communication optimization and the European standard on electronic invoicing and the strategies to implement and comply with the Directive 2014/55


The full report is available here


Comarch EDI is a B2B platform, which provides a competitive advantage by a fast and secure data exchange with business partners. The solution provides the automation of data processing throughout the supply chain: from the procurement process, through the logistics, to invoicing and payment processing.

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