Comarch in TOP 3  in Capterra’s ranking for EDI providers

The Top 20 Most Popular EDI SoftwareBig success for Comarch B2B Network solution: it has been included in Capterra’s latest ranking “The Top 20 Most Popular EDI Software”, and placed on the third position.

“The Top 20 Most Popular EDI Software” raking focused on Electronic Data Interchange software providers who develop the most efficient and secure platforms for exchanging important documents between companies and their business partners.

The list was created based on several variables: a combination of the number of customers, users, and social presence. On 100 points scale, Comarch received 66 points which overall guaranteed the bronze medal.

The strongest asset proved to be our numbers of users. We ended up on the second place in “The Top 5 By Total Users” with over 100,000 active accounts. Moreover Comarch B2B Network took fifth position in “The Top 5 By Total Customers”.


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Capterra is the world’s leading digital marketplace for business software. Founded in 1999, features validated user reviews and independent research across hundreds of categories. As a result, Capterra helps more than 3 million small and new business buyers discover the right software every month.

Capterra is a Gartner company. Gartner (NYSE: IT) is the world’s leading research and advisory company.


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