The Comarch SFA Trade Promotion Management solution is a comprehensive tool for managing and settling promotional actions. This solution appeared in the POI TPx Vendor Panorama report for the third time, once again being honored with the distinction of Best in Class.

The Promotion Optimization Institute emphasizes the Comarch SFA Trade Promotion Management solution’s outstanding fast-grid analytical module, which stands out from the offers of other vendors with its easy and intuitive monitoring of the effectiveness of promotional activities.

The POI report also noted the Comarch SFA TPM user experience, particularly:

  • Configurable dashboards which can be modified by each user
  • Step by step creation of promotions using the built-in wizard
  • Estimation of promotional conditions for each customer, even on the individual level
  • New module forecasting, which suggests the actions a user should take

Integration of data from the Focus system (FOCUS research) with information from external sources (such as sales-related data from the Comarch SFA Online Distribution system) is an important element that allows more precise analysis of the market and promotion management.

The POI report highlights Comarch as the only provider in the Central and Eastern Europe offers TMP and retail execution simultaneously, which adds value for its users by allowing them to take full advantage of the integration of individual sales support solutions.


More information about the Comarch SFA Trade Promotion Management solution is available here:

Trade Promotion Management

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