Nivea signed an agreement with Comarch for the implementation and maintenance of Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force Apps. The mobile sales system will allow the regular collection and transfer of orders directly to the distributor, and the performance of sales-related tasks (merchandising, target management and training) through NIVEA’s local sales force.

“We decided to change our mobile system to Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force Apps because we want to make better use of the data we report from the market through the Comarch SFA Online Distribution platform, and to make this information available to our field employees” – says Paweł Opoń, Senior Service Delivery Specialist from Nivea Polska. “We see potential in developing products and services provided by Comarch and addressed to manufacturers operating in an indirect distribution model (sales through distribution network). Hence the decision to change the mobile system to Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force Apps”.

“Our long-standing cooperation with Nivea Polska in the field of obtaining and extracting data from the market (via Comarch SFA Online Distribution) has been closely linked to Nivea Polska’s verification our product development map” – says Bartłomiej Szuper, Executive Director with Comarch Services Sector. “ Our customer has always known with which technologies we work and what kind of products and services we are developing. The decision taken by our partner Nivea Polska, to sign a long-term contract for the implementation and maintenance of the Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force Apps system, confirms our belief in our developing strategy. The implementation of the mobile system for Nivea Polska will be realised with using Apple iPad hardware and a modern web-based platform dedicated for executives. The system will be integrated with Comarch SFA Online Distribution platform to make even better use of the synergies of both systems.

Comarch SFA (Sales Force Applications) are mobile and web-based solutions designed to manage and streamline the processes involved in sales. Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force is a reliable and comprehensive set of tools which helps the effective management of sales forces. It operates in both modern and traditional sales channel environments, supporting sales representatives in their daily work and assisting effective sales team management. Moreover, full integration with Comarch SFA Online Distribution creates an advanced reporting and communication platform which can be used by the manufacturer to work with their chain of distributors which, allowing the former to concentrate on sales data and optimizing the management of the entire sales network.

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