New ecm system for sasIn June 2016 SAS airlines accelerated handling of customer issues (such as booking changes or feedback regarding onboard services) by moving processes to a new generation system. In 5 months the airline in cooperation with global IT company Comarch, implemented an innovative system for customer service to automatize handling of customer issues and improve customer satisfaction.

One of the main features of Comarch Customer Care, that was also important for SAS, is omnichannel. The system can manage issues reported by customers, regardless of the form of communication they choose - chat, e-mail, web form, social media, telephone, or traditional mail. SAS passengers can submit queries or suggestions related to, e.g. mobile application, check-in processes, in-flight services, or changes in flight reservations through most of those channels.

The solution is being used by nearly 200 SAS agents all over the world – from China through Europe to the USA. This enables faster (in some cases even fully automatic) resolving passengers’ issues. Now the system processes more than 120 categories of cases relating to every stage of the customer journey and the EuroBonus loyalty program. The solution is fully integrated with Comarch’s loyalty system as well as another 10 key IT systems crucial for SAS.

Our customers deserve the best service possible. It is crucial that they feel that they can count on support from our side at all times, and that their issues and questions are being acted upon in the shortest time possible. Therefore, we decided to implement a new system in the field of "customer care" and for that we have chosen Comarchsays Carina Göransson, Head of Global Direct Sales & Customer Support at SAS.

This solution is beneficial also for SAS employees. Having simple cases automatically processed and closed, agents have more time for helping customers in urgent cases whenever their involvement and experience are required.

The contract we have signed with the SAS airlines allows an expansion of our business, in terms of product portfolio and the industries in which we operate. We proved once again that we are able to compete for major clients and sign new agreements with companies all around the worldsays Adam Beldzik, Director of Comarch ECM. Comarch Customer Care that we currently develop, is a system, which significantly improves the quality of customer service. Therefore, it is an ideal solution for companies where the professional care of customers is crucial and determines their market success, such as in the airline industry.

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