Report: Global e-Invoicing and Tax Compliance

A comprehensive guide on how to navigate the current e-invoicing rules

Since 2020, around 15 e-invoicing mandates have been emerging each year in response to economic changes. As electronic invoicing is taking the world by storm, more and more organizations are looking for the perfect solution to navigate the transition smoothly. With how quickly the e-invoicing market is growing (handling approx. 560 billion e-invoices annually as of 2024), this task is not easy. To help global companies embrace this change, billentis – a German-based e-invoicing pioneer – decided to create a comprehensive analysis of the current industry landscape with future insights regarding e-invoicing and digital trade practices.

Sponsored by Comarch and authored by billentis’ Marcus Laube and Bruno Koch, this report is the complete roadmap to e-invoicing you need.

Digitize Your Supply Chain with EDI

Download it to learn about:

  • E-invoicing and the difference between e-invoicing and e-reporting
  • The tax-driven continuous transaction and private exchange models
  • How tax authorities drive the integrated digital trade
  • The five steps to a successful implementation of e-invoicing and Integrated digital trade projects
  • How to choose the best e-invoicing solution provider
  • Market predictions for 2024-2028

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