Loyalty for Travel
Loyalty for Telecommunications
Loyalty for Banking
Loyalty for Insurance
Loyalty for Airports
Two days filled with insightful presentations delivered by Comarch's global sector heads, customers' case studies and world-class entertainment.
Join Comarch at the Retail Innovation Conference to learn about best practices in customer experience and the latest technologies used to disrupt the retail space.
With this annual event Comarch will once again mark its presence in Asia.
Poland & CEE Retail Summit gathers the most important representatives of chain stores and FMCG producers in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.
Curated with a team of advisors, Dx3 2018 will address how innovation, technology and environments are changing consumer behavior to more than 3 000 attendees.
The European conference Supply Chain Leadership Forum will be held on March 5-7th in Warsaw. Leaders from industry-shaping brands will meet together to exchange ideas and experiences.
Once again, Comarch will be present as a Silver Sponsor at the GS1 Forum 2018 that will take place on the 8th of February in Brussels.
It’s already the 10th edition of the Annual Loyalty Conference. This year, Loyalty 2018 will take place on February 5-7th in the capital of Thailand – Bangkok and focus on building the best loyalty reward schemes for markets.