A New Version of AIX is Coming – Also to Comarch Power Cloud

Big news, everyone! IBM recently announced it will put out a new version of its AIX operating system, namely AIX 7.3. Although there is no official release date yet, the company says the new AIX – which is to “introduce a wealth of new hybrid cloud and open-source capabilities” – will become available later this year.
We are happy to inform you that, when AIX 7.3. arrives, it will be possible to try it out – and start using it for business applications – via IBM Power Cloud!
In other words, you will have the opportunity to put the new AIX to the test in a cloud environment for little money (pay as you go) or for free (voucher) the moment it gets released.
You will also be able to migrate your systems and applications to the latest version with minimal effort and at a low cost.
Of course, we’ll let you know as soon as AIX 7.3 hits the market!
Until then, click HERE to learn more about IBM Power Cloud and find out what makes this platform so revolutionary.