Types of Cloud Solutions Based on Comarch Cloud Infraspace for Business

Cloud computing is one of the most dynamically developing trends in modern IT. For almost every industry there are studies exploring the advantages of relocating IT systems to the cloud, and the benefits of doing so. The multitude of combinations resulting from customers’ requirements and the available IT offers from global providers have resulted in the creation of many types of clouds. These types are often merely marketing devices, aimed at distinguishing a given supplier from its competitors. This approach blurs basic concepts such as private and public clouds, very often leading to misunderstandings.
To avoid this situation, the Comarch Infraspace Cloud team focused on market needs when creating services, at the same time simplifying their names regardless of the degree of technological complexity that they represent. After all, it was Albert Einstein who said: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler".
The Comarch Infraspace Cloud platform offers four main types of cloud environment. Together with additional services fully managed by a qualified ICT team, this makes it one of the most modern solutions, comparable to the best offers from the largest corporations.
The basic type of service offered is Comarch Cloud Engine. This is the most widespread and best-known type of cloud computing. Its market success lies in the full flexibility and freedom of resource management. The Comarch cloud is based on resources shared by all users, appearing in two varieties, as a Comarch Self-service/Unmanaged Cloud and Comarch Managed Cloud. In the unmanaged variant, all resources managed in IaaS and PaaS models are on the client's side, and Comarch provides a platform. The managed version extends this solution with additional services such as advanced backup and monitoring, extensive security and data encryption. This cloud offer is addressed to a wide range of clients focusing on security, stability and the ability to increase resources quickly, as needed. Comarch internal departments and external clients from industries in the insurance, automotive, retail and production sectors are the mains types of client for this kind of cloud computing service.
Hosted Private Cloud takes the technological development a step further. Covering all the features of the public cloud, it distinguishes itself in the way resources are allocated on the CCI platform. In this cloud model, allocated resources are not shared with other clients. This cloud is created on dedicated hardware resources (servers, mass storage and network). It is an ideal solution for companies wanting to transfer all their existing IT resources to a modern cloud environment, or those in need of a backup data processing center, to be run in the event of failure in their own server room. Comarch Hosted Private Cloud, due to the separation of resources, is an offer directed to clients from the eHealth, Telco and FBU sectors.
Comarch Data Center also offers Comarch Managed Multi Cloud Services. This is a combination of customers’ existing cloud environments from other suppliers (for example, AWS, OVH and Azure) with any of the cloud products provided by Comarch. This solution can be managed directly by the client and is covered by the full package of Comarch services. Clients are primarily companies that already have their own public or private clouds and are looking to diversify for reasons of location, security, price or legislation relating to data storage and processing.
All cloud solutions provided by Comarch Cloud Infraspace may also be offered in a client's server rooms, on their own equipment (technical capabilities permitting). This includes the installation and configuration of cloud environments and their subsequent maintenance.
The above list is a general outline of cloud solutions provided by Comarch ICT. Each of them has a dedicated portfolio of products that allow Comarch Cloud Infraspace to be adapted to the needs and requirements of the market.