What Does the Cloud Really Mean for Comarch?

Let us make one thing clear – the cloud is not just a buzzword or a market trend that we, as a modern IT company, need to follow. It's much more than that. The reason why the cloud is on the radar of every business right now is that it brings something new to the information technology table. This is best illustrated by the fact that it has changed the way many providers (ourselves included) approach system availability, user experience, software pricing models, etc.
Most of the marketing people working in the IT industry will tell you that the cloud is all about instant access, improved performance, cost optimization, and ease of use – and they will be right, of course. But there is also a deeper level on which the cloud can be described. To us, the cloud is about making life easier and removing barriers to doing business at scale. And, because it has become so popular in recent years, some of its enthusiasts say, quite appropriately, that we are living through "the cloud revolution".
With more than 25 years of industry experience, we've watched the cloud evolve from an avant-garde idea into what it is today – a groundbreaking technology that drives many modern IT management and business solutions. Hence, the decision to develop our own cloud-native solutions, which will become an alternative to products that require on-site deployment, was inevitable. We simply knew that it was the way to go.
This is why we're now a systems integrator that provides hosting services from several locations on the planet, with cloud regions in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Of course, Comarch maintains its "enterprise" product line that includes solutions designed for those who expect more advanced customization, but the cloud has become an essential part of our portfolio.
Today’s companies – no matter their size or industry - are increasingly unafraid of cloud adoption. It's not that there are reasons for concern, but you have to remember that when it first appeared, the cloud was considered anything but a go-to option, possibly because the concept seemed difficult to apply. Now that the technology has proven itself reliable and powerful, businesses feel much more confident about it; thus, they are more willing to outsource and join the cloud revolution.
The multi-cloud approach (using a combination of private, public, and hybrid clouds) is getting a lot of attention. As part of the Comarch ICT offer, we provide all the tools and professional support to help others build and manage such complex cloud environments. And we cover a lot more ground when it comes to cloud computing. For instance, using IBM Power Cloud and AIX systems users can, without giving up their existing technology, migrate their traditional IT infrastructure to the cloud. This is but one of many of our solutions that can prove significant for a company's growth.
In the end, however, what matters to us the most is whether the clouds we develop can help our clients achieve their goals. This is also why we're working on our cloud products and services all the time, constantly improving them. In fact, we've got some exciting plans for this year, so stay tuned for more information.
If you want to learn more about our cloud-based solutions, check our Comarch ICT official website.