Comarch Beacon Technology for Retail
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- 2 min reading

Nowadays, when mobile technology invasion has permeated almost every realm of human existence we invariably continue to witness the interminable wave of new prospects for capabilities of producing a brand new potential for business outreach.
Marketing opportunities
Studies show that the amount of people who use their phones during shopping activities can reach up to the 90% [1]. This unfolds a positive outlook for introducing diversified forms of customer connection particularly valued in the world of thriving meaning of loyalty driven marketing.
The ideal embodiment of seizing these chances is the innovation of beacons. Using micro-localisation technology these small, yet powerful devices are designated to be placed in a discretional location and are able to instantly connect with customers’ phones and send them personalised messages. They can grant useful information or offer a special discount provoking the purchase by showing appreciation or even introduce an engagement technique to further strengthen the bond with the customer.
Beacon solutions reinforce mutual and tangible benefits for both parties of interaction. From the standpoint of a customer, the fundamental advantage lies in the fact that they consecutively react to his behaviour, catering towards his expectations, needs, preferences therefore enriching and optimizing the entire customer experience by making it more likeable and personal. From the perspective of the retail business, it is a smooth way of garnering worthwhile information that can lead to the prediction of behaviour patterns, creating more customised and attractive offers. It serves as a profitable form for undergirding loyalty programs by providing supplementary medium for customer communication.
Conventionally speaking, beacons are defined as a source of light that is used for navigation purposes. Comarch’s Beacons serve as virtual advisor that guides the customers to the right direction in retail surroundings.