Data-Driven Content on Social Media – meet Comarch CLM for Retail
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One of the Comarch’s most crucial tenets is the interminable improvement, hence we are continually in the process of adding new enhancements to our products to make them of maximum convenience and to accommodate them to the market requirements.
Social media impact
Nowadays, there is no room for social media disregard in the successful marketing strategy. Taking under consideration research results claiming that Facebook has the biggest impact out of the all the similar genres (it engages users almost about four and seven times more that its successors Instagram and Twitter respectively [1]) we are aware that it unveils incredibly extensive opportunities for showing marketing talent. It is particularly essential in loyalty management.
Current features
Wisely, we have already implemented some utilitarian Facebook integrations to our Loyalty system for retail sector. We allowed for convenient, set time regulated automation of post circulation. As the complementary elements to this already begun procedure, now we introduce several enrichments that will furtherly facilitate those processes.
New functionalities
Firstly, in order to mechanize and unify notification method, we prepared possibility of generating wall postings administered by business rule actions that may both refer to achieving certain tier level, redeeming points or taking advantage of a deal. Furthermore, we equipped our promotion creator with user-friendly message templates that will let Business Administration operator not only to formulate instantaneous messages but also to tie them arbitrarily with definite triggering events that will directly generate posting information on member’s wall.
All of those conveniences concur to create an extraordinarily effective tool that will be an advantageous assistant in managing Facebook activities to fully streamline its handling along with maximising its business outreach.