How do B2E Loyalty Programs Impact Your End-customers?
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- 3 min reading

Happy spouse happy house is a familiar phrase, but what does it have in common with a workplace? It is well-known that, the happier employees are, the better they perform and stay motivated to deliver high-quality services to their customers. But how to achieve it?
What hides behind B2E loyalty?
Let’s imagine it is the end of reporting month, but your employees did not achieve their targets. There are a few ways to motivate them to achieve their goals. You could introduce competition between teams, or rankings where they can compare each other. But why not expand this to a full platform where your employees can not only track their targets on the go, but are also able to compete with colleagues or teams. This is the role of the B2E loyalty program.
Loyalty programs designed for B2B or B2C are the most popular, and introducing one for employees may bring added job satisfaction. Such a program can be modelled on the B2B ones, bearing in mind personalization, interesting rewards, gamification, and early access to news or products. The main goal is to engage staff and motivate them to reach KPIs, thresholds, or other targets with interesting challenges and incentives. You can also tailor motivational tools to meet program goals. If, for example, you have an ongoing problem with onboarding, your program can be focused on building knowledge about the company. Another example would be creating a program based on reaching and improving targets and goals, by introducing gamification and rankings with which your employees can compare their achievements. No matter how the program is designed, what is most important is the fact that the main aim should be to reward the engagement of employees. These actions will motivate them to perform better and become more involved.
Rewards and their impact on employee performance
Incentivizing your employees for not missing days at work, receiving good reviews from customers, or celebrating an anniversary of employment are just examples of possible rewards that are simple to implement. Employees frequently increase their efficiency and overall ability to collaborate as a result of participation. They are more willing to invest in the company and offer creative solutions to problems that their business may encounter. B2E initiatives frequently result in a commonsense increase in employee loyalty and satisfaction, which is directly related to the awareness and availability of company services. That benefits your staff and influences your customers.
What distinguishes B2E programs:
- B2E programs are much more personalized (your employees are a closed group of people who may know each other) than B2B programs, therefore it is important to create a program where they can challenge not only themselves but the whole team or group to improve and achieve certain goals or KPIs.
- B2E programs allow rewards of higher quality, such as special personalized services, compared to in B2C where those needs to be versatile.
- Another aspect of a B2E program is the fact that employees view them in a specific way. For clients, loyalty is just an addition that may not always suit them, but, for employees, loyalty programs are ways of receiving additional benefits for their job.
Influence of B2E on customers
Happy and engaged employees lead to happy and engaged customers. Set up the challenge of signing in, gaining the most members in a specified time, establishing additional encounters… and offer extra points or badges for branches with the highest score. Perhaps a good idea would be to introduce a scoring system for resolving customer issues, based on the amount of the time needed to finish the task and general perception of the approach to the client. These data can later be used to leverage sales of certain products or services to future customers. With challenges, rankings, and incentives, employees will simply feel appreciated and motivated to perform at the highest level. B2E programs aim to increase employee efficiency and satisfaction with customer service at the same time. It also gives entrepreneurial coherence and community. With this in mind, the customers’ perception of the company will be positive. This, in turn will lead to expanding the base of engaged and satisfied clientele.