Independent Research Firm Cites Comarch as a Strong Performer in Customer Loyalty Solutions Report
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- 2 min reading

We are extremely proud to announce that Comarch was among the selected companies that Forrester invited to participate in The Forrester Wave™ Customer Loyalty Solutions For Large Organizations, Q1 2016. In this evaluation Comarch was cited as a Strong Performer. We believe being included in a prestigious report with other leading loyalty solutions providers, reaffirms our position on the market as a member of the narrow group of outstanding loyalty professionals.
Our Strengths
Within forty strict criteria, Comarch received its highest scores in loyalty management, pricing structure as well as in the number of customers and average deal size. The report also states that clients praise Comarch’s sweet spot, stating “Comarch certainly brings strong loyalty management capabilities to the market through its products and experience managing large partner programs for airlines, travel and oil and gas companies.” Additionally, The Forrester Wave™ states ”Clients are very satisfied with Comarch’s value and call out the ease of technology implementation and industry expertise. As one client said ”We really liked that they could…adapt to the uniqueness of our business.” The report goes on to say that “Organizations with complex requirements or large partner programs will find Comarch a strong and disciplined technology partner”.
Our Development
Moreover, the report cites Comarch among vendors that are expanding into new markets: ”Comarch’s recent investment in Thanks Again enhances its offering for clients in the travel vertical, and it is in the process of launching a smart city solution that will enable municipalities to leverage its loyalty management product across government, business, and community stakeholders.”
Being included in such a valuable report provided by an independent research firm is a great honour, especially since it was based on sources including: vendor surveys, executive briefings and solution demos as well as customer reference calls and surveys. Apart from satisfaction, accolades have always been a source of motivation for our company and we believe that this one will only fuel our dedication to invariably enhance our loyalty solutions.