Comarch’s Loyalty Technology Solutions Recognized in Independent Research

The loyalty technology solution market is rapidly increasing – and Comarch is among those who help shape it. Our company was listed among notable vendors in the Forrester Loyalty Technology Solutions Landscape, Q4 2022 report. It’s a thorough overview of current trends, changes, and dynamics driving the market with a list of 38 providers and core use cases.
Why is it so valuable?
LTS Landscape, Q4 offers insight into the functioning, basic differences, and usefulness of modern loyalty technology solutions. The report lists vendors based on their revenues, focus, size, geography, and use case differentiation. Since nearly 60% of global B2C marketing decision-makers plan to increase their spending on loyalty (Forrester Marketing Survey, 2022), it’s important they know which provider can fulfill the unique expectations of their niches. The Loyalty Technology Solutions Landscape, Q4 report is Forrester’s initiative to help B2C businesses understand the market better and choose a vendor accordingly to their needs.
Being included in LTS Landscape, Q4 is a true honor and, in our opinion, a testament to Comarch’s innovative and highly efficient ideas that help companies create, track, and manage successful loyalty programs. This important mention gives us joy and motivates us to work even harder to contribute to the future of loyalty.
If you want to know more, download a complimentary copy of Forrester’s Loyalty Technology Solutions Landscape, Q4 2022 report.