Loyalty Marketing Cloud - May Releases (1.11)

We are thrilled to inform you that Comarch Loyalty Marketing Cloud, our end-to-end platform for building and managing immersive loyalty programs & marketing campaigns, has just received an update! The latest version (1.11.) brings a lot of brand-new features within the Loyalty Marketing Cloud Platform, configurable across different system areas. Please see the product Reference Book for details.

Link Shortener

Shortened links make text look more attractive and the overall reading experience much smoother - no matter if we’re talking about email subject lines or SMS content. From now on you can create unique and trackable short links for your campaigns.


Another customer lifecycle management dimension joining customers and members. Adding a contact requires a really minimum amount of information - all you need to enter is an email address and check the communication consent field. This is a great way to save contacts from newsletters. Now you can engage and motivate your potential customers to become real ones and then, finally, loyal ambassadors of your brand.

We kindly remind you that LMC supports up to four versions of our robust API. The recommended API version is API v2. Please make sure you upgrade the currently used API  version, as it won’t be supported and some of your loyalty program processes may not work properly.
API V1.4 - Mon, 01 Aug 2022, 00:00:01 GMT
API V1.5 - Tue, 01 Nov 2022, 00:00:01 GMT

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