The New Comarch Loyalty Management 5.7 - What's New?

In Q1 2019, we released version 5.7 of Comarch Loyalty Management, which now includes new features and updates. Among the most prominent ones are:
External events – create CLM source events based on any events generated outside CLM and provided by external systems
CLM manages a wide set (around 45) of pre-defined source events that can trigger configured business rules. However there may be an instance where an extraordinary event is generated and caught outside of CLM. Such “external events” are provided to CLM using its interfaces, and treated as virtual transactions, i.e. available for processing by the business rules engine, but will not be stored in the CLM database if a resulting event is not triggered (points, discounts, coupons, etc.).
Near real-time data exports - export data to external systems in near real-time
CLM can now export full data sets as file (JSON format), or export only the data created/modified/removed since the last export. As some of the third-party systems (such as data warehouses) that are integrated with CLM may require data to be synchronized as soon as possible, a mechanism that allows asynchronous, near real-time data exports from CLM using a JMS queue will be implemented.
Promotion budgetary management – helps track and limit the cost of promotion
CLM allows the number of points issued by a single business rule to be counted, and the total monetary value to be calculated. This value will be presented to system administrators, and a warning mechanism will be available to notify them when the pre-defined cost threshold is met.
NPS surveys - ability to configure Net Promoter Score surveys
Create a survey based on a question which customers may answer on a scale from 0-10, where 0 means “not likely at all” and 10 means “very likely”. Depending on the answers gathered from the NPS survey, it will be possible to generate a report with customers divided into three different categories:
- 0-6 = “Critics” or “Detractors”
- 7-8 = “Passives”
- 9-10 = “Ambassadors” or “Promoters”
New notification template creator
A new notification template creator has been introduced to CLM, developed for the Comarch Campaign Management system to improve the notification preparation process (email, sms and mobile) significantly. It uses a set of drag and drop built-in blocks, built-in images and inline editing, and offers various viewing experiences (desktop, tablet or mobile).