Microsoft Excel

E-learning training package
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      E-learning package MS Excel

      Boost your Excel skills with our specialized E-learning package!

      Check our e-learning package Microsoft Excel!

      Is MS Excel your primary tool at work? Do you handle data formatting for visualization purposes? Perhaps you work with data and want a deeper understanding of cell formatting and Excel's options? Whether you use Excel functions daily, perform advanced data analysis with filtering techniques, retrieve data from sources like .csv files or databases, or wish to explore advanced capabilities like pivot tables and dynamic visualizations, our e-learning package is tailored for you!

      E-Learning Package on MS Excel

      • Define text/number patterns in the Flash Fill tool
      • Identify and create formulas based on different types of references
      • Optimal use of numeric formats and their definitione
      • Custom cell formatting in an advanced manner
      • Utilizing and defining advanced conditional formatting conditions
      • Utilizing logical functions to condition calculations
      • Conducting analysis using mathematical and statistical functions
      • Creating advanced lookup functions and using address functions for automation
      • Efficient and error-free filtering and sorting of data
      • Conducting analysis and utilizing advanced filtering tools
      • Preparing a simple query in Power Query to directly connect to a file structure
      • Related to creating pivot tables and using this tool in subsequent analysis
      • Linking pivot tables together using slicers
      • Utilizing all available pivot table tools to create a dynamic dashboard
      • Efficient and error-free filtering and sorting of data
      • Conducting analysis and utilizing advanced filtering tools
      • Preparing a simple query in Power Query to directly connect to a file structure
      Audience profile and Requirements
      • all users whose primary tool of work is MS Excel
      • alll users whose primary or ancillary task involves formatting data for later visualization
        those who work with data and want to understand what cell formatting actually is and what options the program provides
      • all users who use any functions in their daily work within the program
      • all users whose primary or ancillary task involves conducting data analysis using advanced filtering techniques
      • all users who retrieve data from other sources such as .csv files or databases
      • all users who would like to explore advanced capabilities of conducting analysis using pivot tables along with dynamic visualization options
      • How to enter data effectively – 75 min
      • Data formatting – 90 min
      • Function – 300 min
      • Tools for analysis – 90 min
      • Data analysis – 125 min
      Training delivery method

      E-learning, or training material enriched with video presentations, images, text descriptions, and interactive activities such as surveys, tests, quizzes, is available to participants at any time.

      Theoretical and practical knowledge
      1. How to enter data effectively
        • Entering coping and moving data
        • Operations on rows and columns
        • Flash fill
        • Formulas in Excel
        • Types of references
        • References between worksheets and workbooks
      2. Data formatting
        • Tools for cells formatting
        • Value formats
        • Custom format
        • Conditional formatting
        • Outline
      3. Function
        • Part 1 - Logical, matematical and statistical functions:
          • Function – definition and categories
          • Custom names
          • Function SUM, AVERAGE, MIN and MAX
          • Logical function IF
          • Logical function OR & AND
          • Function IFERROR, IFNA and types of errors
          • Function SUMIF and SUMIFS
          • Function AVERAGEIF and AVERAGE IFS
          • Function COUNTIF and COUNTIFS
        • Part 2 - Text, date and time functions:
          • Text conversions
          • Text separations
          • FIND function
          • REPLACE and SUBSTITUTE function
          • LEN, DOLLAR, TEXT and EXACT function
          • CONCATENATE function
          • WEEKDAY, WEEKNUM function
          • YEAR, MONTH, DAY and DATE function
          • HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND and TIME function
        • Part 3 - Lookup and reference functions
          • VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP function
          • INDEX and MATCH function
          • OFFSET function
          • How to properly nest functions
      4. Tools for analysis
        • Sorting
        • Filter
        • Advanced Filter
        • Subtotal
        • Power Querry
      5. Data analysis
        • Data analysis - pivot table part 1:
          • Preparing data for analysis by pivot table
          • Creation of pivot table – basic operations
          • Pivot table analyze and design tab
          • Calculated field and item
        • Data analysis - pivot table part 2:
          • Grouping in pivot table
          • Filtering by slicer and timeline
          • Pivot chart
          • Dashboard

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      Barbara Nitwinko
      Barbara Nitwinko

      +48 12 646 14 41

      +48 734 131 012